Final 2 weeks to our public beta launch!  

Automate your
pre-screening with AI

Create custom Pre-Interviews

Pinpoint the right candidates within minutes

All your candidates receive personalized feedback - win or lose

Proudly supported by
Watch Our Demo

See OCTO's Hiring Dashboard

Our Impact

OCTO in Numbers


Candidates have tested OCTO


Our growing community of changemakers


HRPs joined our webinar series on humanizing recruitment


Our CTO rocked the pitch and won our Berlin Newcomer Award 23'

March 2023

We started our closed beta, tested, tested, and tested — with recruiters.


You decided to join us, we are forever grateful to have you onboard.

Our Features

Smart Solutions for Faster Hiring



For Your Needs
Ditch generic screening! Craft targeted pre-interview assessments with questions tailored to each role.
Uncover Hidden Talent

Within Minutes
Go beyond resumes! Analyze candidate responses to your customized questions
Send Personalized Feedback

to ALL Candidates
Respect your candidates' time. Provide insightful feedback to all candidates, letting them know how they did!

Put your mind at ease.

Join the Movement >

We imagined a future of hiring that is
Candidate First
Have any thoughts or feedback?

👋Love to hear from you

We are learning as we grow together and would love to hear from you!

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Thank you

Thanks for reaching out. We will get back to you soon.
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Focus on building relationships

OCTO automates your pre-screening so you can focus on your candidates (crazy, right?)
Candidate First
From you
Very impressive and see this as a definite game changer. Excited for the impact this will have within a hiring process.
Joyce Nagel, Recruiter
San Francisco Department of Public Health